Topics in American Politics:


This purpose of this seminar (i.e., a discussion-based class rather than a lecture-based one) is to, first, develop a general understanding of how U.S. Supreme Court Justices, from the early 1950s through the present, decide cases and make law. We will critically analyze a small set of readings during each class session to comprehend the key factors influencing the Justices' decisions. Second, we will seek to determine if those factors changed in kind or degree since President Trump made his appointments to the Court. Consider, for example, recent Court decisions overruling Roe v. Wade, ending affirmative action in college admissions, overturning the Chevron doctrine of judicial deference to federal administrative agencies, and declaring the President has broad immunity from criminal prosecution for official actions. Are those decisions examples of politics as usual on the Court or signs of a fundamental change in what influences the Justices' decisions?
Course Attributes: BU BA

Section 01

Topics in American Politics:
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