A typical product of the Rochester Ph.D. program of the late 1980's, Itai Sened is currently Professor of the Department of Political Science at Washington University in St. Louis. His main interests are theory of institutions, game theory and applied mathematical modeling. His book The Political Institution of Property Rights, was published by Cambridge University Press in 1997. His second book, Political Bargaining: Theory, Process and Practice with Gideon Doron was published in 2001 by Sage Publications. His third book, Multiparty Parliaments, with Norman Schofield is forthcoming with Cambridge University Press. He is the co-editor, with Jack Knight, of Explaining Social Institutions from The University of Michigan Press (1995, now in a paperback new edition). He has also published articles in The American Journal of Political Science, The Journal of Politics, The Journal of Theoretical Politics and numerous other refereed journals as well as different edited volumes. He is currently working on several different projects, most notably two: (1) A book manuscript entitled Uncovering Politics: Political Bargaining and Majority Rule?s Principle Constraint, with William T. Bianco and (2) A series of articles on development and economic growth in transition democracies.

Itai Sened
Professor Emeritus of Political Science
PHD, University of Rochester
contact info:
- Email: sened@wustl.edu
mailing address:
- Washington University
- MSC 1063-228-207
- One Brookings Drive
- St. Louis, MO 63130-4899