Professor Motolinia's research tries to better understand how electoral institutions affect political behavior, with an emphasis on the mechanisms driving the behavior of individual politicians and parties. She combines observational data, natural experiments, and text-analysis to study the way electoral institutions affect important political outcomes such as political selection, party cohesion, and distributive politics. Her research has appeared or is forthcoming in The American Political Science Review, World Politics and Electoral Studies.

Lucia Motolinia
Assistant Professor of Political Science
PHD, New York University
research interests:
- Comparative Politics
- Electoral Institutions
- Legislative Behavior
- Quantitative Text Analysis
- Regional Focus on Mexico and Latin America
- Methodology
contact info:
- Pronouns: she/her
- Email:
- Office: Seigle 233
mailing address:
- Washington University
- MSC 1063-228-249
- One Brookings Drive
- St. Louis, MO 63130-4899