Undergraduate Awards

The Department of Political Science offers several awards in recognition of special scholarly achievement by undergraduate students. The selection of recipients of these awards is made by the Honors Committee each spring, prior to graduation. Papers completed for the preceding spring and the preceding fall semesters are eligible for consideration, and are submitted for the competition by faculty members. Each of the awards carries a cash prize.

Arnold J. Lien Prize

The Lien Prize is awarded each year to the outstanding graduating political science major. The prize is named in honor of a former long-term chairman of the Washington University Political Science Department.

Todd Lewis Friedman Memorial Prize

Mr. and Mrs. Julian Friedman created the Todd Lewis Friedman Memorial Prize is in honor of their son. This prize is awarded each year to a graduating student for outstanding work in comparative and/or international politics.

Antoinette Dames Prizes

There are three possible Dames prizes awarded to undergraduate Political Science majors:

  1. An award for the best senior honors thesis.
  2. An award for the best lower-division undergraduate paper (a paper done for a 100- or 200- level course).
  3. An award for the best upper-division undergraduate paper (a paper done in connection with a 300- or 400- level course).

William Benton Parshall Prize

Ms. Susan Parshall established The Parshall Prize in memory of her father, William Benton Parshall. The Parshall Prize is awarded each year for the outstanding undergraduate paper on women in politics.

Robert H. Salisbury Prize

The Salisbury Prize is in honor of our late Professor Emeritus Robert H. Salisbury. The prize is to be presented at the conclusion of the Political Science major's junior year and is awarded on the basis of a broad record of initiative, leadership and service both on and off campus.

Grossman-Alexander Prize

The Grossman-Alexander Prize is awarded each year to an outstanding graduating senior with an emphasis on American Politics.

Pi Sigma Alpha

In addition to the Senior Latin Honors and special prizes, the Department recognizes exceptional scholarship in Political Science by offering a select number of students the opportunity to join Pi Sigma Alpha, the National Honorary Political Science Society. Students who meet the requirements for admission will be invited to join during the spring semester.  For more information on Pi Sigma Alpha and departmental prizes, please see Professor Zack Bowersox.

Political Science Majors Chosen for Institute for Responsible Citizenship 2026 Cohort

The students, part of only 12 chosen across the country, will be a part of the Institute's Washington Program.

Joseph Silagi

Class Acts: Joseph Silagi, Political Science Major

Joseph Silagi, May 2023 graduate with a degree in political science and in mathematics and computer science from Arts & Sciences, shares his passion for data and running.

Award Nomination

To nominate a student for a political science award, please complete a nomination form and submit it to the main political science office, 230 Seigle Hall. 

Download Nomination Form (PDF)