
Professor Carter Publishes in International Organization

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Congratulations to Professor David Carter and co-author Scott Abramson of University of Rochester, on the acceptance of their paper, "Systemic Instability and the Emergence of Border Disputes" by International Organization, the top-ranked political science journal by impact factor in 2018.

Professor Nomikos Publishes in the Journal of Peace Research

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Congratulations to Professor William Nomikos and co-author Nicholas Sambanis (UPenn) on publishing their article, " What is the mechanism underlying audience costs? Incompetence, belligerence, and inconsitency," in the Journal of Peace Research.

Professor Tavits Publishes in the PNAS

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Congratulations to Professor Margit Tavits and co-author Professor Efrén O. Pérez (UCLA) on publishing their article, "Language influences mass opinion toward gender and LGBT equality,” in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS).

Deniz Aksoy and PhD Graduate Paper Forthcoming in European Union Politics

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Congratulations to Deniz Aksoy and PhD graduate, Dino Hadzic! Their paper, "Political Institutions and Collective Attachments" is forthcoming in European Union Politics.

Taylor Carlson Awarded 2019 UCSD Dissertation Prize

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Taylor Carlson, an Assistant Professor starting in the department Fall of 2019 was awarded a dissertation prize.

David Carter's Paper Accepted by Journal International Organization

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Congratulations to Professor David Carter and co-author Paul Poast of University of Chicago, on the acceptance of their paper, "Barriers to Trade: How Border Walls Affect Trade Relations" by the Journal of International Organization.

Professor Tavits and Former/Current Graduate Students Win an APSA Award

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“Legacies of the Third Reich: Concentration Camps and Outgroup Intolerance” has won the Sage Best Paper Award.

Margit Tavits and Collaborators Receive a German National Science Foundation Grant

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Professor Tavits and her collaborators (Professor Debus from University of Mannheim and Professor Somer-Topcu from UT-Austin) have been awarded a 467,010 euro (about $ 523,000) grant by the German National Science Foundation (DfG) to study whether and how political parties change their policy positions between elections and whether voters understand and care about those position changes.

Betsy Sinclair Published on ResearchGate

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Congratulations to Professor Betsy Sinclair! Her article, "Pathways to Trump: Republican Voters in 2016," was published on ResearchGate. 

PhD Candidate Miguel Pereira's Article Forthcoming at Electoral Studies

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Congratulations to PhD Candidate Miguel Pereira! His article, "Do Parties Respond Strategically to Opinion Polls? Evidence from Campaign Statements," has been accepted at Electoral Studies.

PhD Candidate Miguel Pereira's Article Forthcoming at JOP

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Congratulations to PhD Candidate Miguel Pereira! His article, "Responsive Campaigning: Evidence from European Parties," has been accepted at the Journal of Politics.

Professor Tavits is one the new field editors for the Journal of Politics

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Professor Margit Tavits is an incoming field editor for the Journal of Politics. She is in charge of comparative behavior manuscripts.