David Carter

Professor of Political Science
PhD, University of Rochester
research interests:
  • International Relations
  • Territorial Conflict
  • Territorial Claims
  • Border Politics
  • Civil Conflict
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    contact info:

    mailing address:

    • Washington University
    • MSC 1063-228-249
    • One Brookings Drive
    • St. Louis, MO 63130-4899
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    David Carter’s research is in the field of international relations, with a focus on interstate conflict substate political violence. 

    Recent published work explores territoriality and conflict and how the historical legacies of boundary institutions shape patterns of conflict and cooperation among states. He is currently working on a project that uses new digital maps of secessionist groups’ territorial claims to understand where and why these groups directly attack government forces versus civilian targets. 

    Carter has published his research in most of the top political science and international relations journals, including American Political Science Review and International Organization. He earned his doctorate from the University of Rochester and then served as an assistant professor at Princeton University from 2011-17.