
Political science program aims to expand graduate student pipeline

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The Department of Political Science in Arts & Sciences has launched the WUSTEPS Pipeline Program, which is aimed at preparing undergraduates from diverse backgrounds for success in graduate programs.

Welcoming Betsy Sinclair as new Chair and Clarissa Hayward as new Associate Chair of Political Science

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This month, Betsy Sinclair begins her term as Chair of Political Science and Clarissa Hayward begins as Associate Chair.

Taylor Carlson receives 2023 PolNet Best Book Award for "What Goes Without Saying"

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Congratulations to Taylor Carlson for winning with 2023 PolNet Best Book Award for "What Goes Without Saying: Navigating Political Discussion in America", co-authored with Jaime Settle of the College of William and Mary!

Steven S. Smith awarded the 2023 Barbara Sinclair Lecture

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The award honors achievement in promoting understanding of the U.S. Congress and legislative politics.

Brian Crisp published in British Journal of Political Science

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His work, "The Role of District Magnitude in When Women Represent Women," is co-authored with Patrick Cunha Silva of Loyola University Chicago.

Irene Gerrish selected for 23-24 APSA Diversity Fellowship Program

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Irene Gerrish, a rising second year PhD student, was one of eighteen spring program recipients. 

Andrew Reeves published in Presidential Studies Quarterly

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Reeves co-authored the paper with Jon Rogowski, titled "Democratic Values and Support for Executive Power."

Tavits’ ‘Voicing Politics’ wins Robert E. Lane Award

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Amy Gais's essay "Worthy Women" published in Inside Higher Ed

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Amy Gais writes that her students judge women writers much more harshly than male writers—and considers what can be done about it.

Tenure appointments and promotions for Political Science faculty

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Dino Christenson and Jacob Montgomery received promotions to full professor, and Taylor Carlson received tenure.

Margit Tavits receives Robert E. Lane Award for Voicing Politics

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Margit Tavits and Efrén Pérez have been selected as the winners of the Robert E. Lane Award for their book Voicing Politics: How Language Shapes Public Opinion. 

Prof. Randy Calvert retires after 30+ years of scholarship at WashU

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Randy Calvert, the Thomas F. Eagleton University Professor of Public Affairs and Political Science, retires after 30+ years of scholarship at WashU.